Biopolymers in Biofibers & Microbial Cellulose

Cellulose the most generous natural biopolymer on the earth, synthesized by plants, algae and also some species of bacteria and microorganisms. The Plant derivative cellulose and Black Carbon (BC) have the same chemical composition but differ in structure and physical properties. The BC network structure comprises cellulose Nano fibrils 3-8 nm in diameter, and the crystalline regions are been the normal cellulose I. The properties such as the Nano metric structure, unique physical and mechanical properties together produce higher purity that lead to great number of commercial products. Lignocellulosic agricultural byproducts are an extensive and cheap source for cellulose fibers. Agro-based biofibers have the architecture, properties, and design that make them suitable for use as composite, textile, pulp and paper manufacture.