Event on: October | 28-29 | 2021
2nd International E-meeting on
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies
Theme : Trend to conserve energy to preserve life
The growing global population and the critical relationship between Energy, environment, and sustainability lead to novel discoveries and advancement in the field of Energy Materials in search of alternative resources. The prime requirement to transform feedstock into suitable energy sources is the catalyst for better solar cells, fuel cells, hydrogen, and energy storage materials. In the search for alternative energy sources, we need to make new discoveries in materials science. We need catalysts to convert feedstocks into fuels, new architectures for better solar cells, and materials for advanced energy storage, including lithium batteries. New high-tech materials are key to breakthroughs in biology, the environment, nuclear energy, transportation, and national security. Energy Materials is making revolutionary advances in the science of materials discovery and synthesis. Our ultimate goal is to be able to design new materials with useful properties—one atom at a time.