Phobia and its Treatment

Phobia: Phobias are a relatively common type of the anxiety disorder. Phobias can be treated with the cognitive behavioral therapy, using exposure and fear-reduction techniques. In many cases, anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication proves helpful, especially during the early stages of therapy.

Types of Phobia:

  • Claustrophobia: Fear of being in constricted and confined spaces• Aerophobia: Fear of flying
  • Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
  • Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
  • Erythrophobia: Fear of blushing
  • Hypochondria: Fear of becoming ill

Causes of Phobia: It is unusual for a phobia to start the after age of 30 years, and most begin during early childhood, the teenage years, or early adulthood.

  • Specific phobias: These are usually develop before the age of 4 to 8 years. In some cases, it may be the result of a traumatic and early experience.
  • Complex phobias: More research is needed to the confirm a exactly why a person develops agoraphobia or social anxiety. Researchers are currently believe complex phobias are caused by a combination of life experiences, and brain chemistry, and genetics.

How the brain works during a phobia?

Brain works on a some areas of the brain store and recall dangerous or potentially deadly events. If a person faces on a similar event later on in life, those areas of the brain retrieve the stressful memory, sometimes more than once. This causes of the body to experience the same reaction.

Treatment: The Phobias are highly treatable, and the people who have them are nearly always aware of their disorder. Speaking to a psychologist or psychiatrist is a useful to the first step in the treating a phobia that has already been identified.

  • Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is a talking with a mental health professional can help you manage your specific phobia.
  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy focuses on changing your response to the object or situation that you fear. Gradual it repeats exposure to the source of your specific phobia and the related thoughts, feelings and sensations may be help you learn to manage your anxiety.

Cognitive behavioral therapy: It includes the exposure and combined with other techniques to learn ways to view and cope with the feared object or situation differently.
Medications: Generally psychotherapy using the exposure therapy and is successful in treating specific phobias. if sometimes medications can be help to reduce the anxiety and panic symptoms you experience from thinking about or being exposed to the object or situation you fear.

  • Beta blockers: Beta blockers are drug block the stimulating effects of adrenaline, and such as the increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure, pounding heart, and shaking voice and limbs that are caused by anxiety.
  • Sedatives: Sedatives are a category of drugs that slow brain activity. Also known as tranquilizers or depressants, sedatives have a calming effect and can also induce sleep.

Phobia Treatment: Phobia Treatment is the best treatment for specific phobias is a form of psychotherapy called exposure therapy. It sometimes your doctor may also recommend other therapies or medication. Understand the cause of a phobia is actually less importance than focused on how to treat the avoiding behavior it has developed over time.