Translational Psychiatry

Translational medical specialty is customized treatments became a primary goal in change of location psychiatrically analysis. They embrace the identification of neural circuits related to psychiatrically disorders and definition of treatment in step with individual characteristics. Several new tools and technologies are developed however additional efforts area unit needed to supply clues on however these scientific advances in medical specialty could also be translated into more practical therapeutic approaches. Obstacles to the progress of change of location medical specialty additionally involve varied scientific, financial, ethical, provision and restrictive aspects. Molecular medical specialty explores the change of location pathway between analysis in neurobiology and conceptually novel treatments. Change of location medical specialty bridges this gap by fostering and lightness the pathway from discovery to clinical applications, tending and international health.

The steps of translation that area unit among the scope of change of location medical specialty embrace

  • Fundamental discovery
  • Bench to side
  • Bedside to clinical applications
  • Translation to policy and health care pointers
  • Assessment of health policy and usage
  • Global health

The aim of our analysis is to spot molecular risk and health factors with the goal of up medical specialty and treatment for ADHD, anorexia, affective disorder, depression and mental disease. We tend to investigate molecular markers and mechanisms of sickness and treatment effects through genetic, epigenetic and organic chemistry analyzes.

Translational medical specialty analysis

  • Investigation of biomarkers across medical specialty sickness
  • Investigation of the biology of medical specialty disorders
  • Development of human induced-pluripotent stem cells and succeeding differentiation into neuronic cells and astrocytes
  • Understanding the role of NLRP-3 inflammasome in affective disorder patients
  • Relationship between stress And immune activation within the development of depression-an early maternal care deprivation model.