Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry deals with the environmental impact of pollutants, the reduction of contamination and management of the environment. Environmental Chemistry is thus the study of the behavior of pollutants with respect to their environmental fate and effects on the environment. The effect of chemicals depends on its distribution, its form and its concentration. It mainly focuses on biological effects of chemicals, soils and bound residues, predicting compound properties and effects, chemical risk and regulatory issues, water quality, wastewater treatment and reuse, drinking water. Chemicals species present in the environment are either naturally occurring or generated by human activities. Environmental pollution like water pollution, air pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in the surrounding that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. Pollutants exist in all the three states of matter. We have discussed only those pollutants, which can be controlled are due to human activities. The gaseous pollutants come down to earth in the form of acid rains. 75% of the solar energy reaching earth is absorbed by the surface and rest is radiated back to the atmosphere. These gases trap the heat and results global warming.