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Abstract Submission dead line : 26 October, 2023

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

“ Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the department of dentistry which includes the outlook, surgical and redundant treatment of situations, damages and defects concerning both the functioning and aesthetic sides of the toughened and smooth napkins of the vocal and maxillofacial area. ” Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a surgical department attaching on reconstructive surgery of the countenance, facial trauma surgery, the vocal sorrow, head and neck, mouth, and jaws, as readily as facial cosmetic surgery/ facial plastic surgery containing crack lip and cleft palate surgery

Signs and symptoms of mouth cancer may include

A lip or chops nasty that does not cure

 A colorless or ruby spot on the inner of your chops

 Loose teeth

A growth or lump inside your mouth

Mouth pain

Ear pain

Difficult or painful swallowing


Surgery is the main treatment for oral cancer. Surgery commonly means peeling the excrescence and maybe lymph bumps in the neck. However, reconstruction may be needed, If the excrescence is large. However, surgery simply may be enough treatment. If the excrescence is frail and there is no substantiation of unfurl to lymph bumps.

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