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Agroecology focuses on changing social relations, empowering farmers, adding value locally and privileging short value chains. It allows farmers to adapt to climate change, sustainably use and conserve natural resources and biodiversity. Agrobiodiversity is the result of the interaction between the environment, genetic resources and management systems and practices used by culturally diverse peoples, and therefore land and water resources are used for production in different ways.

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Soil ecology is the study of the interactions among soil organisms, and between biotic and abiotic aspects of the soil environment. Soil contaminationsoil pollution, or land pollution is caused by a combination of industrial activity, agricultural chemicals and the improper disposal of waste. Accidental spills and acid rain are also contributors. Soil science is the study of soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils.

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