Applications of Graphene in energy

Graphene-enchaned lithium ion batteries could be used in higher energy usage applications now in smartphones, laptops and tablet PCs. Graphene has a great potential to use for low cost, flexible and highly efficient photovolatics devices due to its excellent electron-transport properties and carrier mobility. Single or few layered graphene with less agglomeration, exhibit a higher effective surface area and better supercapictor. In hydrogen storage, hydrogen plays an important role in energy carriers. As a fuel of choice it is light weight, contains high energy density and emits no-harmful chemical by-products, hydrogen considered as a green energy.

Related Tags:

International Summit on Graphene | International Conference on Graphene Materials and Chemistry | International Conference on Chemistry of Graphene Oxide | International Summit on Graphene and 2D Materials | International Conference and Exhibition on Graphene & 2D Materials Europe 2022 | International Conference on Chemistry of Graphene Oxide

Associations & Societies:

FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler | Cornell Center for Materials Research | Advanced Manufacting Growth Centre | ATOMIC - the Center for Atomically Thin Multifunctional Coatings | Centre for Process Innovation | GEIC - Graphene Engineering and Innovation Centre
