Chemistry and biology studies of Graphene

Graphene an important Nano sized material, become an exciting two-dimensional material with distinct attributes in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, as well as their related interdisciplinarities. Chemical and biological sensor based on graphene field effect transistor, a single layered of graphene prepared by mechanical cleavage of natural graphite. A systematic nomenclature for this set of graphene-Family Nanomaterial’s, specific materials relevant for bimolecular and cellular interaction. The bio-active molecule/graphene conjugates and the opportunities for the design of multi-functional tools for synthetic biology.

  • Nanomaterial’s
  • 2D Materials

Related Tags:

European Graphene Forum | The Graphene & 2D Materials Symposium | Graphite & Graphene Conference | International Meet & Expo On Graphene and Carbon Nanostructures | International Conference Graphene & 2D Materials | Graphene Conferences | Graphene Conference 2022

Associations & Societies:

FBK - Fondazione Bruno Kessler | GEIC - Graphene Engineering and Innovation Centre | Graphene Flagship - European Union | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center | ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
