
Important Dates

  • Final Call Registration
    17th November 2021

About Conference


Coalesce Research Group is privileged to invite you to participate in Webinar on International Webinar on Internal Medicine & Patient Care from November 17-18, 2021. The theme of this meeting is "Revealing current Research and Advancements in Internal Medicine and Patient Care" which will provide an international platform to discuss the present and future challenges in primary care, patient care, continuing education and expertise meeting. Internal Medicine conferences aim to promote continuous medical education and encourage a nourishing exchange of facts and ideas in how to deal with the disorders involving patients. Great scientific faculty from USA, Europe as well as other continents expects a highly interesting scientific as well as representative event.

Internal medicine-2021 welcomes experts from both academia and industries.

Experts such as Deans/Chairs, Vice Deans & vice Presidents of Medical Institutions and Hospitals working in the field of Internal Medicine and related discipline, but not limited to:

  • Emergency Medicine
  • Intensive Care Medicine
  • Adult Diseases
  • Primary Care
  • Geriatrics
  • Patient Care
  • Telemedicine
  • Healthcare
  • Oncology
  • Genomic Medicine

Professors and students from academia who are in the field of Medical and clinical research.

Physicians, Business delegates, Directors / Managers & Business Intelligence Experts, Departmental Managers.
