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Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) combines engineering, physics and chemistry principles to solve real-world issues related to nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, energy, manufacturing and other major engineering disciplines.  Material Science and Engineering is a well scientific growth, expanding in last few decades to enclose polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and biomaterials. It involves the design and discovery of new materials and many of the most pressing scientific problems humans currently facing due to the limitations of the materials that are available. As a result, major improvement in materials science is likely to affect the future of technology significantly.
Materials scientists lay stress on understanding however the history of a material influences its structure. In fact, all new and altered materials are often at the heart of product innovation in highly diverged applications. The global market is projected to achieve $6,000 million by 2020 and lodge a CAGR of 10.2% between 2015 and 2020 in terms of worth. Materials scientists work with various styles of materials (e.g., metals, polymers, ceramics, liquid crystals, composites materials etc.) for a broad kind of appliance (e.g., energy, fabrication, biotechnology, nanotechnology) victimization modern method and discovery principles (e.g., casting, additive producing, coating, evaporation, plasma and radiation processing, artificial intelligence, and computer simulations).

  • Crystallography
  • Electronic and Photonic Materials
  • Materials synthesis and processing
  • Structural Materials
  • Computational materials science
  • Biomimetic materials
  • Fiber, films and membranes
  • Coatings, surfaces and membranes
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Carbon Nano structures and devices

Nanoscience is that the study of atoms, molecules, and objects whose size is on the nanometer scale. Atoms are a few tenths of a manometer in diameter and molecules are typically a few nanometers in size. The uses and study related to very small things that can be used in all the other fields of science like biology, physics, chemistry, engineering and Materials sciences.

  • Nanorobotics and Nanomanipulation
  • Energy Conversion and Storage
  • Food, Smart Agriculture, and Medicine
  • Nanotechnology in Water Purification
  • Smart Textiles and Apparels
  • Optical Nanoscopy
  • Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology
  • Realization of molecular sized machines. Remote sensing through Nano Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and satellites.

Nanoengineering is the act of designing structures at the nanoscale level. It is an interdisciplinary science that assembles biochemical structures at the nanoscale, littler than a bacterium. Nanoengineering is that the observe practice of engineering on the nanoscale. It derives its name from the nanometer, a unit of activity equaling one billionth of a meter. Nanoengineering is basically a equivalent word for nanotechnology, but emphasizes the engineering rather than the pure science aspects of the field.

  • Branches of nanotechnology
  • Risks of nanotechnology
  • Applications of nanotechnology
  • Notable figures in nanotechnology

Nano prescription is a part of medication that uses the Nanotechnology for the counteractive action and treatment of sickness in the human body. Nanomedicine combines the usage of nanoscale materials i.e., biocompatible nanoparticles, nanorobots. Current problems for nanomedicine incorporate awareness, the problems associated to lawfulness and environmental impact of nanoscale materials, Preparation of nano-prescriptions and its application. According to experts, Nanomedicine is known for advancements in the healthcare space. The nanotechnology revolution is currently enabling novel approaches to handle the major issues in trending medicine, resulting in the emergency of nanomedicine as a replacement paradigm for diagnosing and therapy.

  • Nanomedicine and Nano capsules 
  • Nano-Bio Interfaces
  • Nano-Mechanisms for Molecular Systems
  • Nano diamond devices
  • Novel Optoelectronic Devices
  • DNA polyhedral
  • Nano Arrays for Advanced Diagnostics
  • Cellular based Therapy
  • Nanotechnology future applications
  • Nanotechnology based Imaging Technologies
  • Nanomedicine and Nano emulsions 
  • Molecular nanotechnology

Drug delivery describes the method and approach to delivering drugs or pharmaceuticals and other xenobiotic to their site of action within an organism, with the goal of achieving a therapeutic outcome. Designing and developing novel drug delivery systems, with the attention on their application to illness conditions. Preclinical and clinical knowledge associated with drug delivery systems. Drug Delivery and Translational Research is a journal published by CRS, providing a unique forum for scientific publication of high-quality research that is exclusively focused on Drug Development and translational aspects of drug delivery. Drug distribution, pharmacokinetics, clearance, with drug delivery systems as compared to traditional dosing to explain beneficial outcomes. Biomaterials with growth factors for stem-cell differentiation in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Devices for drug delivery and drug/device combination products.

  • Liposomes
  • Future aspects of Drug Delivery
  • Major Challenges in Drug Delivery
  • Current Features in Drug Delivery
  • Versatile Polymers In Drug Delivery
  • Optimization Techniques in Drug Delivery
  • Formulation and Development Drug
  • Development Partnering Opportunities

For any electronic device to work well, electrical current should be efficiently controlled by change devices, which becomes challenging approach to systems very small dimensions. This drawback should be addressed by synthesizing materials that allow reliable turn-on and turn-off current at any size scale. New electronic and photonic nanomaterials confirm drastic breakthroughs in communications, computing devices and solid-state lighting. Present analysis consists bulk crystal growth and organic semiconductors, skinny film and nanostructure development, and soft lithography. Many major photonics corporations with in the world views on different technologies and opinions about future challenges for manufacturers and integrators of lasers and photonics products.

  • Film Dosimetry and Image Analysis
  • Optical communications and networking
  • Lasers
  • Quantum science and technology
  • Optical devices
  • Spintronics
  • Domains and hysteresis
  • Semiconductor materials
  • Ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity
  • Superconductivity
  • Optical properties of metals and non-metals
  • Photoconductivity
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Magnetic Storage
  • Fabrication of intigrated circuits
  • Soft magnetic materials
  • Semiconductor devices
  • Photonic devices and applications
  • Hard magnetic materials
  • Dieletric materials
  • Electronic and ionic conduction
  • Emerging Smart Materials

Smart materials are one of the most significant examining headings within the advancement of advanced new materials. Their properties will answer to reversible changes in their condition by an outer condition. Smart materials help in evacuating the limits among auxiliary and useful materials, which may bring about a huge upset in materials science improvement. It is a half and half materials that area unit made out of disparate stages which fundamentally change if any outer improvements are applied, for example, temperature, stress, magnetic or electric fields. Smart Materials are unit blends of in any event two unique materials, which permit the building of wished properties. Proper modeling, simulation, and management facilitate in coordinated framework structure of smart materials

  • Modelling, simulation and control of smart materials
  • Temperature-responsive polymers
  • piezoelectric materials
  • Shape-memory alloys
  • Polymer-based smart materials

Ceramic material defines the combination of science and technology of making objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials. This is done either by the action of warmth, or at lower temperatures exploitation precipitation reactions from high-purity chemical solutions. The word Ceramics covers inorganic, non metallic, solid materials that are hardened by baking at a high temperature. The most necessary of those were the traditional clays, created into pottery, dinnerware, bricks, and tiles. Ceramics have high hardness, high compressive strength, and chemical immobility.

  • Ceramic Forming Techniques
  • Ceramic Processing steps
  • Ceramics Applications in Aerospace Industry

Transparent Ceramics Composite materials have extraordinary physical or substance properties. Composite materials area unit by and large used for structures, scaffolds, and structures, for instance, pontoon frames, natatorium boards, hustling car bodies, the foremost exceptional cases perform habitually on shuttle and flying machine in requesting things. The composite materials unit of measurement typically organized visible of lattice constituent. The numerous composite categories incorporate organic matrix composites metal matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites.

Mining and Metallurgy defines the field of Materials Science that deals with physical and chemical nature of the metallic & intermetallic compounds and alloys. Diverse ways and skills utilized in the extraction and production of variety of metals and the extraction of metals from ores, purification; Metal casting Technology, plating, spraying, etc. in the series of processes, the metal is subjected to thermogenic and cryogenic conditions to analyses the corrosion, strength & toughness of the metal. Alloy development and casting techniques, Creep resistant alloys, Corrosion, heat treatment, Extractive metallurgy, Powder metallurgy, Light metals for transportation, Coupled mechanics. Components with higher strength to weight ratios, lower cost solar cells, display screens in mobile devices and storing hydrogen for fuel cell powered cars, Hydro-metallurgy, medical sensors, faster charging batteries, ultracapacitors. NEMS general integrate transistor-like Nano electronics with mechanical actuators, pumps, or motors, and will thereby kind physical, biological, and chemical sensors.

  • Alloy development and casting techniques
  • Creep resistant alloys
  • Corrosion, heat treatment
  • Extractive metallurgy
  • Powder metallurgy
  • Light metals for transportation
  • Coupled mechanics
The increasing energy demand because of growing world population and therefore the crucial relationship between Energy, atmosphere and property cause novel discoveries and advancement within the field of Energy Materials in search of alternative resources. The prime demand to remodel feedstock into appropriate energy sources is that the catalyst for higher star cells and energy storage materials. Energy Materials is creating ground breaking developments within the science of materials innovation and production. At present, novel materials are unit technologically advanced for energy storage and generation. The transformation of typical fuel to renewable and property energy sources because of the geophysical and social stress leads to the event of Advanced Energy Materials to support rising technologies. The emerging materials for energy associated application area unit electrical phenomenon fuel cells, nanostructured materials, light sources etc.The foremost drivers are unit growing energy consumption, worth instability and emerging potential of renewable energy resources Energy materials among the past meant high energy explosive materials utilized in detonation and energy storage applications. Such energy cannot be regulated for extended period. Currently energy materials embody big choice of advanced and novel materials for the generation and storage of electrical power. Energy generation, management and distribution are the fastest evolving industries of recent times. The demand to develop components and sub-assemblies for novel product across the energy sector is increasing. Analysis in Production of electricity from piezoelectric materials, Biomass, photo chemistry is studied widely in several universities.
Colloid and Interface Science is that the foundation for today’s advanced material science and engineering, nano-science, soft matter science and chemical action. As such, Colloid and Interface Sciences underpin new advances in energy potency, generation and storage, nano-medicine and drug delivery, sensing and medical specialty, amongst different applications.

Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology based system deals with rising new technologies for developing customized solutions for drug delivery systems. The drug delivery system positively impacts the speed of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of the drug or another related chemical substance in the body. In addition to the current drug delivery system also allows the drug to bind to its target receptor and influence that receptor’s signaling and activity. Pharmaceutical nanotechnology embraces utilization of nanoscience to pharmacy as nanomaterials, and as devices like drug delivery, diagnostic, imaging and biosensor.

  • Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano tools
  • Engineering of Pharmaceutical Nano systems
  • Applications of Pharmaceutical Nano tools
  • Challenges to Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
  • The biophysics of Nano systems
  • Fundamentals of physical pharmacy
  • Nanotoxicity and biotoxicity
  • Application of nanotechnology in imaging and diagnostics
  • Application of nanotechnology in modified release systems

Nanophotonics or nano-optics is that the study of the manners of light on the nanometer scale and of the communication of nanometer-scale substances with light. It is a division of optics, technology, optical engineering and nanotechnology. It repeatedly contains aluminiferous elements, which May conveyance and stress light-weight light through surface plasmon polaritons. Nanophotonics is the novel evolving hypothesis where light cooperates with nano-scaled structures and fetches onward the secretive world to research. The amalgamation of Photonics and Nanotechnology giving delivery to “Nanophotonics” salutates and welfares each other in rapports of innovative functions, materials, fabrication processes and applications. The study of sunshine at the nanometer-scale is nanophotonics and plasmonics. Light can individually be engrossed to advert unevenly half its wavelength in size which is a few hundred nanometers for visible light. This boundary can be exceeded by pairing light to electrons at the surface of a metal and generating surface plasmons.

  • Plasmonic and Metamaterials
  • Nano corals slit diffractor in Nanophotonic
  • Nanotechnology in physics
  • Nano scanning probe and microscopy
  • Electron laser Nanoparticles in Nanophotonic
  • Nanomagnetism and optomechanics
  • Optoelectronics and Microelectronics
  • Amplifiers and Isolator
  • Electro-optic Modulators
  • Solar Cells

The crystal or any material growth may be a most vital a part of a crystallization process, and it consists of new atoms, ions, or polymer strings into the characteristic arrangement of a crystalline called the Bravais lattice. The crystal growth always follows a primary stage of both homogeneous and heterogeneous (surface catalyzed) nucleation, and unless a "seed" crystal, is added to start the growth, that is already exist. X-beams are used to examine the basic properties of solids, fluids or gels. Photons will interact with electrons, and give information about the vacillations of electronic densities of the different matter. The process of crystal growth produces a crystalline solid whose atoms or molecules are typically closely packed, with fixed and same positions in space relative to one another. The crystalline state of matter is differentiated by a distinct structural rigidity and high resistance to deformation (i.e. changes of shape and/or volume). Many crystalline solids have high values of Young's modulus and shear modulus of elasticity. These are same with most liquids or fluids, which have a low shear modulus, and also exhibit the macroscopic viscous flow.

  • Nano crystallography
  • Diffraction imaging and XFELS
  • Synchrotron and neutron sources, instrumentation and application
  • Electron Microscopy and diffraction
  • Crystallization techniques
  • Crystal morphology Diamonds growth
  • Organic Crystal Scintillators
  • Phase Transitions: seeding, growth, transport
  • Recent Developments in Crystal Growth

The multidisciplinary field of Nanotoxicology focuses on determining the extent to which nanomaterials (materials with at least one dimension <100 nm) pose a hazard to human health and the environment. The small size, large surface area-to-volume ratio, and quantum size effects of nanoscale materials may lead to biological effects that differ from those induced by their larger counterparts. Nanotoxicology is study of the nature and mechanism of toxic effects of nanoparticles on living organisms and other biological systems. It also deals with the quantitative assessment of the severity and occurrence of nanotoxic effects relative to the exposure of the organisms. Human exposure routes are primarily mediated through inhalation, dermal, oral intake or by injection. The small particle size and the shape of nanomaterial allows to uptake into blood and lymph circulation and circulation to tissues in the body that normally are protected by barriers, such as the brain by penetration of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB).

  • Lipid Nanotechnology
  • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Cardiac therapy
  • Biological membranes
  • Cell-particle interactions
  • Medical toxicology
  • Regulation and risk management
  • Immunotoxicity
  • Method of toxicology studies

Recently propelled element emphases on the application of computational fluid dynamics in many agri-food handling applications. The unit uses innovative computing methods and commences industry and other external supported research projects in this field. Modeling is a commanding tool for enhancing and improving processes is to regulate different unit procedures by obtaining an in-depth indulgent of the sophisticated transport occurrences in food system. This comprises strategies for nanoencapulation, nanoemulsions, nanopackaging, nano delivery systems and other innovative applications. Furthermore, considering the prospective of nanotechnology, the unit also abides studies on nano-level food processing. Investigation and improvement on many characteristics of nanostructured foods, nano food additives, nanocarrier systems, nanocoatings, and growth of nanosensors are under growth. The essential developments in multi-scale computer recreation techniques for computational modelling is computational materials science have been made in the last decade as inventers and engineers strive to infuse continuum-based methods with more-realistic specifically at quantum and atomistic scales.

  • Computational Modelling of Photonic Nanomaterials and devices
  • Computational Modelling of the Catalytic Cycle of Glutathione Peroxidase Nanomimic
  • Computational modelling of the collective stochastic motion of Kinesin Nanomotors
  • Computational modelling and optimization Nanostructures
  • Molecular Modelling and simulation of Nanoscale systems
  • Foundation of Nanoscale Physics and Modelling

Materials Chemistry along with Physics manage with the structure, properties, process and performance of materials. Applied physics is destined for a particular technological or practical use of materials. Materials characterization is a wide physically and general process by which a material's structure and properties are probed and measured. Materials characterization usually done by the major techniques like Microscopy, spectroscopy, macroscopic testing. The range of the structures recognized in materials ranging from angstroms, As within the imaging of individual atoms and chemical bonds, up to centimeters, i.e., the imaging of coarse grain structures in metals.

It Shows the structural materials that will operate at extreme range of temperature, stress, strain, pressure, radiation flux, and chemical reactivity which defines the principal that the limiting factor of the performance of many energy systems. The design space of modern structural materials is huge—much too complicated to explore by trial and error. Predictive modelling is required to guide experiments within the most efficient directions, to accelerate style and testing, and to grasp performance. State-of the-art machine tools permit scientists to calculate from initial principles the interactions that dominate microstructural behavior, whereas experimental tools will currently offer time provide time resolved measurements on real materials to validate these models. This integration of theory, simulation, and experiment can accelerate materials discovery and innovation. Key to achieving these advances is verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification of the pc models. Physical measurements should be created at relevant length and time scales and compared directly with theory and simulation.

  • Applied physics
  • Materials characterization techniques
  • Material engineering
  • Mechanics of materials

Graphene is a crystalline allotrope of carbon as an almost straightforward (to unmistakable light) one molecule thick sheet. It is several times more grounded than most steels by has the most noteworthy known warm and electrical conductivity, showing current densities 1,000,000 times that of copper . 2d materials, in some cases alluded to as single layer materials, are crystalline materials consists of a solitary layer of particles. Since the detachment of graphene, a solitary layer of graphite, 2d materials can by and large be ordered as either 2d allotropes of different components or mixes (comprising of at least two covalently holding elements). Layered blends of various 2d materials are by and large called van der Waals heterostructures.

  • Graphene Materials
  • Graphene forms and Synthesis
  • Refinement of Graphene and Fictionalization
  • Applications of Graphene
  • 2D materials beyond Graphene
  • 2D Topological Materials
  • Chemical functionalization of Graphene

The study of physical and chemical process that rises by incorporation of 2 phases, with solid–liquid/ solid–gas/ solid–vacuum/ liquid–gas interfaces is known as Surface Science. The actual application of surface science in connected arenas like chemistry, engineering science, engineering and physics is recognized as Surface Engineering. Surface Chemistry accomplish the expansion of chemical configuration of a surface by presenting purposeful teams and extra components and Surface physics deals with the physical deviations at interfaces. Techniques tangled in Surface engineering are spectroscopy methods such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, electron energy loss spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, Thermal desorption spectroscopy, ion scattering spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry, etc. The chemical reaction at the interface is usually termed as Surface Chemistry and is additionally connected surface engineering. It is very significant in the arenas of heterogenous catalysis, electrochemistry and geochemistry.

  • Surface characterization and metrology
  • Surface integrity
  • Contact mechanics
  • Friction and wear, containing mechanisms, modelling, characterisation, analysis and testing
  • Interface temperatures of sliding surfaces
  • Lubrication and lubricants
  • Coatings and surface treatments
  • Tribological applications
  • Nanoscale tribology
  • Surface modifications, containing surface cladding, cutting, polishing and grinding
  • Special surfaces such as high-performance lenses
  • Hard Coatings

3D printing is the method of creating three- dimensional structure of biomaterials by means of computer control. With respect to the nano-scale dimensions the biomaterials are classified into three type’s as- Nano-particle (3D), Nano-fiber (2D) and Nano-sheet (1D). 3D bioprinting is the process of huge cell patterns by using printing techniques along with the layer-by-layer method to produce tissue mimetic structures without any harm in cell function that can be further used in tissue engineering. Electrospinning technology defines deposition of polymer nanofibers on an object by using huge voltage to a liquid polymer solution. Bioprinting helps in the analysis of drugs and pills by printing tissues and organs. It is also used for small devices and microarrays.

  • 3D Bio plotting
  • Cell encapsulation
  • Photo polymerization
  • Biodegradable and bioresorsable polymers
This is The Creation of Advanced Materials at The Molecular or Nuclear Measure for the reason for propelling innovation, growing further effective items, making novel assembling advances, or enhancing the human learning. The capability to speedily and faithfully launch various conductive layers with ultrafine determination has prompted the scaling down and minimal effort of most microelectronic parts. Practical Devices has set up itself as a pioneer in the HVAC, Building Controls, Energy Management, Energy Savings, Lighting Controls, and Wireless enterprises.

Polymers are also an crucial part of materials science. Polymers are the raw materials which are used to make what we generally call plastics. Specialty plastics are materials with distinctive characteristics, like ultra-high strength, electrical conductivity, electro-fluorescence, high thermal stability. Plastics are split not on the basis of their material but on its properties and applications.The competition in the global carbon fiber and carbon fiber reinforced plastic market is intense within a few large players, like Toray Toho, Mitsubishi, Hexcel, Formosa, SGL carbon, Cytec, Aksa, Hyosung, Sabic, etc

  • Process modelling and simulation
  • Neat polymeric materials 
  • Hybrid polymer-based materials
  • Polymer blends and alloys
  • Extrusion and extrusion processes
  • Rheology and rheometry
  • Elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers
  • Polymeric catalysts
  • Polymeric gels and networks
  • Polymer characterization
  • Polymer surface and interface
  • Polymer membranes for environments and energy
  • Engineering polymers
  • Fiber, films and membranes
  • Polymeric biomaterials

Molecular nanotechnology is a technology in which molecular manufacturing depends on the ability to build structures to complex, atomic specification which defines mechanosynthesis. The technology in which nanoscale machines assemble macroscale products atom by atom, or molecule by molecule. The combination of physical activities in which the principle explains the chemistry, nanotechnologies, and the molecular machinery of life with the systems engineering principles found in recent macroscale factories.

  • Atoms By Inference
  • Atom Manipulation
  • Nanotweezers
  • Nanomanipulator
  • Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy - Atomic Force Microscope
  • Modern Transmission Of Electron Microscope
  • Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Electron Microscope
  • Nanodots

Nano Toxicology A particle is defined as a small object that behaves as a full unit with relation to its transport and properties. Particles are further classified according to diameter. Ultrafine particles are alike as nanoparticles and in between 1 and 100 nm in size, fine particles are sized between 100 and 2,500 nanometers, and coarse particles cover a value between 2,500 and 10,000 nanometers

Nano electronics is that the term utilized in the field of nanotechnology for electronic components and analysis on improvements of electronics such as display, size, and power consumption of the device for the practical use. This includes analysis on memory chips and surface physical modifications on the electronic devices. Nano electronics cover quantum mechanical properties of the hybrid material, semiconductor, single dimensional nanotubes, nanowires, then forth. Well-developed Nano electronics can be applied in different fields, and are especially useful for detecting disease-causing agents and disease biomarkers. As a consequence, point-of-care detection became popularized because of the involvement of Nano electronics.

Nanometrology is one of the field of metrology, understands with the science of measurement at the nanoscale range. Nanometrology includes a necessary role so as to produce nanomaterials and devices with a dependability and high degree of accuracy in nanomanufacturing. A challenge in this field is to make a new analysis techniques and standards to fulfil the needs of next generation in advanced manufacturing, which will rely on nanometer scale materials and technologies. The requirements for measurement and characterization of latest sample structures and characteristics so much exceed the abilities of current measurement science.

  • Atomic force microscopy
  • Scanning tunnelling microscope
  • Electron Microscope
  • Super Resolution Microscopy
  • Nanopatterning Nanoscales

Nanobiotechnology, Bio-Nanotechnology, and Nanobiology are terms that defines with the intersection of nanotechnology and biology. Given that the topic is one that has only emerged very recently, bionanotechnology and nanobiotechnology function blanket terms for varied connected technologies.

  • Bioluminescent magnetic nanoparticles
  • Surface modified polystyrene nanoparticles
  • Nano systems
  • Disease diagnosis
  • Target specific drug delivery
  • Nano ink

Nanobiotechnology is a risingfield which is a consolidated stream of biotechnology and nanotechnology. It is a control wherein devices from nanotechnology are developed and connected to ponder natural marvels. For example, nanoparticles can fill as tests, sensors or vehicles for biomolecule conveyance in a cell framework, peptoid, nanosheets, cantilever exhibit sensors and the utilization of nanophotonic for controlling sub-atomic procedures in living cells.

Tissue engineering is the use of a combination of cells, engineering and materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace biological tissues. Tissue engineering involves the use of a tissue scaffold for the formation of new viable tissue for a medical purpose. While it was once categorized as a sub-field of biomaterials, having grown in scope and importance it can be considered as a field in its own. A biomaterial is any substance that has been engineered to interact with biological systems for a medical purpose - either a therapeutic (treat, augment, repair or replace a tissue function of the body) or a diagnostic one. As a science, biomaterials is about fifty years old. The study of biomaterials is called biomaterials science or biomaterials engineering. It has experienced steady and strong growth over its history, with many companies investing large amounts of money into the development of new products. Biomaterials science encompasses elements of medicine, biology, chemistry, tissue engineering and materials science.
Interdisciplinary research