Crystal Engineering

The crystal or any material growth may be a most vital a part of a crystallization process, and it consists of new atoms, ions, or polymer strings into the characteristic arrangement of a crystalline called the Bravais lattice. The crystal growth always follows a primary stage of both homogeneous and heterogeneous (surface catalyzed) nucleation, and unless a "seed" crystal, is added to start the growth, that is already exist. X-beams are used to examine the basic properties of solids, fluids or gels. Photons will interact with electrons, and give information about the vacillations of electronic densities of the different matter. The process of crystal growth produces a crystalline solid whose atoms or molecules are typically closely packed, with fixed and same positions in space relative to one another. The crystalline state of matter is differentiated by a distinct structural rigidity and high resistance to deformation (i.e. changes of shape and/or volume). Many crystalline solids have high values of Young's modulus and shear modulus of elasticity. These are same with most liquids or fluids, which have a low shear modulus, and also exhibit the macroscopic viscous flow.

  • Nano crystallography
  • Diffraction imaging and XFELS
  • Synchrotron and neutron sources, instrumentation and application
  • Electron Microscopy and diffraction
  • Crystallization techniques
  • Crystal morphology Diamonds growth
  • Organic Crystal Scintillators
  • Phase Transitions: seeding, growth, transport
  • Recent Developments in Crystal Growth