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Graphene and other 2D materials

Graphene is a crystalline allotrope of carbon as an almost straightforward (to unmistakable light) one molecule thick sheet. It is several times more grounded than most steels by has the most noteworthy known warm and electrical conductivity, showing current densities 1,000,000 times that of copper . 2d materials, in some cases alluded to as single layer materials, are crystalline materials consists of a solitary layer of particles. Since the detachment of graphene, a solitary layer of graphite, 2d materials can by and large be ordered as either 2d allotropes of different components or mixes (comprising of at least two covalently holding elements). Layered blends of various 2d materials are by and large called van der Waals heterostructures.

  • Graphene Materials
  • Graphene forms and Synthesis
  • Refinement of Graphene and Fictionalization
  • Applications of Graphene
  • 2D materials beyond Graphene
  • 2D Topological Materials
  • Chemical functionalization of Graphene