
Nano Computational Modelling

Recently propelled element emphases on the application of computational fluid dynamics in many agri-food handling applications. The unit uses innovative computing methods and commences industry and other external supported research projects in this field. Modeling is a commanding tool for enhancing and improving processes is to regulate different unit procedures by obtaining an in-depth indulgent of the sophisticated transport occurrences in food system. This comprises strategies for nanoencapulation, nanoemulsions, nanopackaging, nano delivery systems and other innovative applications. Furthermore, considering the prospective of nanotechnology, the unit also abides studies on nano-level food processing. Investigation and improvement on many characteristics of nanostructured foods, nano food additives, nanocarrier systems, nanocoatings, and growth of nanosensors are under growth. The essential developments in multi-scale computer recreation techniques for computational modelling is computational materials science have been made in the last decade as inventers and engineers strive to infuse continuum-based methods with more-realistic specifically at quantum and atomistic scales.

  • Computational Modelling of Photonic Nanomaterials and devices
  • Computational Modelling of the Catalytic Cycle of Glutathione Peroxidase Nanomimic
  • Computational modelling of the collective stochastic motion of Kinesin Nanomotors
  • Computational modelling and optimization Nanostructures
  • Molecular Modelling and simulation of Nanoscale systems
  • Foundation of Nanoscale Physics and Modelling