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Surface Science and Engineering

The study of physical and chemical process that rises by incorporation of 2 phases, with solid–liquid/ solid–gas/ solid–vacuum/ liquid–gas interfaces is known as Surface Science. The actual application of surface science in connected arenas like chemistry, engineering science, engineering and physics is recognized as Surface Engineering. Surface Chemistry accomplish the expansion of chemical configuration of a surface by presenting purposeful teams and extra components and Surface physics deals with the physical deviations at interfaces. Techniques tangled in Surface engineering are spectroscopy methods such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, electron energy loss spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, Thermal desorption spectroscopy, ion scattering spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry, etc. The chemical reaction at the interface is usually termed as Surface Chemistry and is additionally connected surface engineering. It is very significant in the arenas of heterogenous catalysis, electrochemistry and geochemistry.

  • Surface characterization and metrology
  • Surface integrity
  • Contact mechanics
  • Friction and wear, containing mechanisms, modelling, characterisation, analysis and testing
  • Interface temperatures of sliding surfaces
  • Lubrication and lubricants
  • Coatings and surface treatments
  • Tribological applications
  • Nanoscale tribology
  • Surface modifications, containing surface cladding, cutting, polishing and grinding
  • Special surfaces such as high-performance lenses
  • Hard Coatings