Final Call Registration Ends on: June 29, 2023

Nano Materials and Nanotechnology

Nano Materials: Nano accoutrements Nanomaterial are accoutrements with at least one external dimension that measures 100 nanometers (nm) or lower or with internal structures measuring 100 nm or lower. The nanomaterial’s that have the same composition as known accoutrements in bulk form may have different physic- chemical parcels.

Nano technology:  Nano technology Nanotechnology, also docked to nanotech, is the use of matter on an infinitesimal, molecular, and supramolecular scale for artificial purposes. The foremost, wide description of nanotechnology appertained to the particular technological thing of precisely manipulating tittles and motes for fabrication of macro scale products, also now appertained to as molecular nanotechnology. A further generalized description of nanotechnology was latterly established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defined nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers.

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