Final Call Registration Ends on: June 29, 2023

Polymers & Biopolymers

Polymers : A polymer is a chemical emulsion with large motes made of numerous lower motes of the same kind. Some polymers live naturally and others are produced in laboratories and manufactories. Polymer, any of a class of natural or synthetic substances composed of veritably large motes, called macromolecules that are multiples of simpler chemical units called monomers.

Biopolymers: Biopolymers are polymers produced from natural sources. These can either be chemically synthesized from natural accoutrements or biosynthesized by living organisms. These are made up of monomeric units clicked together by covalent bonds. These monomeric units form larger motes. As biopolymers are deduced from living organisms like shops and microbes, they're a renewable resource, unlike utmost polymers which are petroleum- grounded polymers.. 

They are 3 types of biopolymer:

  •  Polynucleotides
  •  Polypeptides
  •  Polysaccharides.

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