Event on: June | 17-18 | 2021
World Congress on
Theme : Explore the Innovations in the field of Neurology

Virtual Event
Experiencing occasional anxiety among people is expected in part of their life. However, people with anxiety disorders often have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about daily situations. Usually, anxiety disorders involve repeated attacks of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear that reach a peak within minutes. For an individual with an anxiety disorder, it doesn't go away and can get worse over time. The symptoms can relate with daily activities such as performance in their job, school work, and relationships.
Sleep and mental disorders generally occur at a similar time, and untreated sleep disorders will increase the chance of developing psychiatric conditions, like depression, later in life. Recent reports found that as several as simple fractions of patients called to sleep disorders centers have a psychiatric disorder. the foremost common mental disorders related to sleep complaints embrace depression, anxiety, and substance (illicit medication and alcohol) abuse.
Treating sleep disorders has been shown to improve the co-existing psychiatric condition and overall quality of life. However, these substances aren't effective within the long run and may cause a range of serious health and performance issues, together with psychiatric and medical disorders, and psychosocial issues like impaired performance in class or work.