Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia is dementia caused by the problems in the supply of blood to the brain, mainly a series of minor strokes, leading to worsening cognitive decline that occurs step by step. The term refers to a syndrome that consists of a complex interaction between cerebrovascular diseases and risk factors that lead to changes in the brain structures because of strokes and lesions, and resulting changes in cognition. The temporary relationship between a stroke and cognitive deficits is required to make the diagnosis the people with vascular dementia present with progressive cognitive impairment, acutely or sub acutely as in mild cognitive impairment, frequently step-wise, after multiple cerebrovascular events (strokes)A rapidly deteriorating condition may lead to death from a stroke, heart disease, or infection.Signs and symptoms are cognitive, motor, behavioral, and for a significant proportion of patients also affective. These changes typically occur over a period of 5–10 years. 9) Neuro Genetics Genes affect the wiring and workings of the brain, that is the authority of all our rides. It is solely the genes that give rise to a specific type of protein which may be beneficial or harmful that reflects the need of research in this particular field. There are six thousand and more emerging genetic disorders account for a significant portion of human disease. Near about 4 percent of the approximately 4 million babies born each year have a genetic disease. Over fifteen thousand Americans are diagnosed to have Huntington’s diseas.Keeping the same in view the different sub tracks are designed in order to enlighten the thoughts related to Huntington's disease and related genetic disorder to overcome neurological problems, These genes are a link between the brain and neurological disorders, defect of gene and diseases. The studies on genome wide association and disease examination, sequencing of gene is used as a tool in determining the abnormal gene loci, neuronal migration defect and Mutation of gene.

  • Pharmacological manipulation
  • Addiction
  • Stress related disorders
  • Maladaptive emotional response
  • Early environmental factors
  • Factors influencing behavioural trains
  • Factors influencing brain development