Event on: November | 05-06 | 2020
World Congress on
Theme : Exploring the Advances in Nursing & Health Care

Barcelona, Spain
A Career in obstetrics and gynecology nursing can be energizing and rewarding.It is otherwise called OB/GYN attendants, Gynecology/Obstetrics Nurses care for ladies from pubescence to menopause. They help women in the midst of pregnancy, work, and work, and therapeutic issues with their regenerative structure. As a Gynecology/Obstetrics Nurse is a therapeutic work on managing ladies' regenerative framework vagina, uterus, ovaries and you will likewise show ladies, and pre-adult young ladies, about physical and sexual wellbeing data by the treatment of contraception to mammograms.
Filling in as an OB GYN gives chances to profession development and specifically advancing encounters. The field of nursing is one of the quickest developing occupations, with an anticipated development pace of 15% somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2026 as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet to approved or recognized the marijuana plant as medicine, scientific study showed a path to two FDA-approved medications available in pill form which are derived from the marijuana plant. Also 33 states now have some type of medical cannabis law in place, and the number continues to grow. Further, a 2015 poll conducted by SERMO, a social network exclusively for doctors, found that 68 percent of U.S. physicians now support legalized cannabis.
Physician groups, hospitals, and managed care organizations and many others requires nurses with a deep understanding of the medicinal applications of cannabis – so much so that the term, cannabis nursing, has become a recognized discipline. Many professional nursing organizations and the American Cannabis Nursing Association (ACNA), also addressed the need for nursing professionals well versed in the medicinal use of cannabis.
Rehabilitation nurses work with patients recovering from chronic diseases, injuries or disabilities. Nurses help patients transition to further independence, build strength and quality and adapt to their situations to take care of themselves as much as possible.
Rehabilitation nurses work not only in hospitals but also at transitional care facilities, in patients’ homes and etc., They look at patients holistically to take best care for their patients, providing support physically, mentally, and spiritually to ensure that the patients are prepared to take care of themselves when they are in need.
This means nurses have to be patient and compassionate, however should also know when to push their patients so far them to progress and recover. Nurses’ skills include basic Medical care, such as change the dressings and taking vitals, also physical and occupational therapy, and assisting patients with daily activities like bathing, dressing etc.,