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Important Dates

  • Last round of Abstract Submission
    June 17, 2021
  • First Call Registration till
    June 18 , 2021

About Conference

Coalesce Research Group invites all the participants from all over the world to attend the Webinar on  Occupational health and public safety during June 21-22, 2021  which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral discussions, Poster presentations, and young research forum.

Occupational health 2021 is It is designed to serve as a virtual online platform for the speakers to showcase their highly insightful research work, knowledge from the field of Occupational health and public safety to the audience and participants. The theme of the session is around, “Public awareness and responsibilities regarding health and safety issues ”. Online Presenting 2days of the scientific sessions, speaker & poster Presntation. 

Lead the way in Occupational Health and Public Safety!

Advantages of Webinar
Offers interactive opportunities to understand the target audience
Reach the target the group directly live and exchange the views of each other
Cost-effective by avoiding travel and accommodation booking
Opportunities to connect with the hosts and fellow attendees
Wider reach across the world

Who can take part?
Research scholars



Organizing Committee

Keynote Speakers

Renowned Speakers


Media Partners/Collaboration
