Head and Neck Cancer

Head and Neck Cancer:

Head and Neck cancer is a type of cancer which is used to describe the various malignant tumors that occur in or around the head and neck parts such as Nose, Larynx, Mouth, Throat, Sinus. Types of head and neck cancers are Nasal cavity, Paranasal sinus Cancer, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer, Salivary Gland Cancer, Laryngeal and Hypo Pharyngeal Cancer, Thyroid cancer, Eye cancer, Brain Tumor, Esophageal Cancer, Sarcoma, Parathyroid Cancer. The most common cause of Head and Neck Cancer are due to tobacco and alcohol use.

Related Tags:

HN Cancer | Oral Cancer | Throat Cancer | Laryngeal Cancer | Nasopharyngeal Cancer | Oropharyngeal Cancer | HN Cancer Awareness | Head Neck Cancer Support | ENT Cancer | HN Cancer Survivor | HN Cancer Treatment | Cancer of the Mouth | HN Cancer Prevention | Voice Box Cancer | HN Cancer Symptoms | HN Cancer Awareness Month | Salivary Gland Cancer | Facial Cancer 

Related Associations:

Head and Neck Cancer Alliance | International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies | American Head and Neck Society | European Head and Neck Society | National Cancer Institute (NCI) - Head and Neck Cancer | Cancer Support Community - Head and Neck Cancer | World Health Organization (WHO) - Head and Neck Cancer | Oral Cancer Foundation