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Abstract Submission Ends on: October 27, 2023
Keynote Presentation
Time : 09:00 To 09:45

Nidhi Mishra

Birla Institute of Technology, India

Title: Power Quality Issues and Mitigation in Grid-Tied Network

Time : 10:30 To 11:00

Len Gelman

The University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Title: Step Forward in Vibro-Acoustical Structural Health Monitoring and NDT for Energy Systems

Time : 09:45 To 10:30

Rajat Agrawal

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, India

Title: Resilient Supply Chains with ESG Integration

Group Photo

Time : 11:00 To 11:15

Networking and Refreshments @ Banquet Pre Function Area

Time : 11:15 To 11:30

Lunch Break @ All Day Dining Restaurant

Time : 13:00 To 14:00

Networking and Refreshments @ Banquet Pre Function Area

Time : 16:00 To 16:30
Oral Presentation
Time : 12:00 To 12:30

Chen-Kuei Chung

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Title: Advances of Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Sustainable and Renewable Energy: Working Mechanism, Tribo-Surface Structure and Applications

Time : 12:30 To 13:00

Zhicheng Xu

Henan University, China

Title: Revisiting Environmental Kuznets Curve: The Effects of Foreign Aid on Air Quality in Africa

Time : 14:00 To 14:30

Antonio Carlos de Francisco

Sustainable Production Systems Laboratory (LESP), Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil

Title: Giving Value to Agroindustry Wastes in a Circular Bioeconomy: Development of Fungal Bio-Composite Thermoacoustic Panels using Lignocellulosic Wastes

Time : 14:30 To 15:00

Adhwaresh Pandey

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Title: Revisiting the Critiques of Circular Economy for Sustainability in the Light of Neoclassical Economics

Time : 15:00 To 15:30

Lidia Sas-Paszt

The National Institute of Horticultural Research, Poland

Title: The Newest Advances in Biofertilization - Improving Soil Fertility and Quality of Horticultural Crops

Time : 15:30 To 16:00

Ankita Shukla

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Title: From Campuses to Communities: The Influence of Higher Education on SDGs

Time : 16:30 To 17:00

Pankaj Kumar Detwal

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India

Title: Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Green Energy: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Solutions

Time : 17:00 To 17:30

Nikola Vladimir

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Title: Carbon Footprint of Fishing Vessels in the Adriatic Sea and Potential of Hybrid Power Systems in its Reduction

Time : 11:30 To 12:00

Mitja Ruzzier and Maja Konecnik Ruzzier

University of Primorska, Slovenia

Title: Influence of Demographic Changes and Digitalization on Eco-innovation and the Circular Economy: Qualitative Insights from 10 Slovenian Companies
