Event on: December | 15-16 | 2021
European Congress on
Public Health & Epidemiology
Theme : A distinctive outlook in Public Health & Epidemiology
Paris, France
Epidemiology is a key facet of public health practice. The area aims to supply the interference of disorders and to market the health of individuals. The fundamental regions of skilled medical specialty embrace medical specialty analysis of public health records, health affairs of state and trend analyses, public health police work and health code impact analysis. Public health consists of many fields of sciences and skills.
Related: Epidemiology Conferences | Epidemiology Conferences 2020 | Epidemiology Meetings | Epidemiology Meetings 2020 | Epidemiology Congress | Epidemiology Congress 2020 | Epidemiology Events | Epidemiology Events 2020
Related Associations: London Association of Directors of Public Health, Association of Directors of Public Health, Association for Young People's Health, Canadian Mental Health Association, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ontario Public Health Association, New Mexico Public Health Association, United States-Mexico Border Public Health Association