Important Dates

  • Final Call Registrations Closes on
    August 21, 2023

Recycling 2023

Coalesce Research Group warmly invites all the Speakers, Delegates, Researchers, Students and Industrialists to be a part of our “6th International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management scheduled during August 21-22, 2023 in Delta Hotels By Marriott Philadelphia Airport, USA.

The theme of the conference is “Recycle, Recover and Reuse” will call for the need of cooperation and collaboration of renowned personalities from the field of Recycling and Waste Management.

Recycling 2023 will be an accumulation of distinguished recycling specialists, environmental engineers, recycling scientists, wastewater treatment researchers, climate experts and other related professionals from the field.

Recycling 2023 creates a platform for scientists, researchers, and scholars associated with this field to showcase their new findings and research work at this conference. Discussions will range from different topics starting from Recycling Basics, Plastic Recycling, and Wastewater Treatment to Renewable Energy and Effect of 3Rs on Climate Change and the participants will get an opulent opportunity to interact with the internationally well-known speakers coming from various nook and corners of the world.

The conference includes Keynote and Plenary Sessions, Speaker Sessions, Young Researcher Forum, Workshops, Symposia, Video Presentations, Poster presentations, E-Posters, Exhibitions and also an opportunity for B2B meetings on the most recent improvements in the field of Recycling and Waste Management by specialists from both Scholastic and Commerce foundation.

So, we desire you to participate and enlighten Recycling 2023.

Target Audience

  • Recycling and Waste Management Industries
  • Recycling Associations
  • Environmental Engineers
  • Water Treatment Research Labs
  • Recycling Business Associates
  • Chemical Engineers
  • Civil Engineers
  • Plastic Recycling Associations
  • Recycling Scientists

With your whole-hearted participation, we are sure to accomplish significant success as in our previous conferences.


Supported Journals

Organizing Committee

Keynote Speakers

Renowned Speakers

Recycling 2022 Conference Report

The 5th International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management was held on November 07-08, 2022 at Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle, Paris, France with the Theme: "Recycling and Waste Management Current Research and Applications" and has witnessed an amalgamation of outstanding speakers who enlightened the attendees with their knowledge related to the field of Recycling and Waste Management.

The conference hosted by Coalesce Research Group was marked with the attendance of renowned and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 10 countries around the world.

The meeting was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by Keynote Sessions and followed by series of lectures (Oral & Posters) delivered by Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The highlights of the meeting were the eponymous lectures, delivered by:

  • Zigmond A Kozicki and Stephanie Baiyasi-Kozicki, University of Detroit Mercy and Saginaw Valley State University, USA
  • Abdirashid Elmi, Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • Dillip Kumar Das, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • Ursula Galway, Cleveland Clinic, USA
  • Alia Zeidan, Isra University Amman, Jordan
  • Viktoria Mannheim, University of Miskolc, Hungary
  • Pascaline Gaborit, Pilot4Dev, Belgium
  • Kyuro Sasaki, Institute for Future Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Aalia Rakhshi and Naseem Ansari, Southern Illinois University, USA and Ansys Inc., USA
  • Leo Hamze KARAKY, COMUE Normandie Université, Laboratoire de recherche (LRC) de l’ESITC Caen, France
  • Md Mursalin Rahman Khandaker, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
  • Adam Ruka, Czech Academy of Sciences – Institute of Botany, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Silvia Cristina Santos, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Shadreck Muchaku, University of Free State, South Africa
  • Elsayed Mousa, Swerim AB, Sweden
  • Omid Hajrasouliha, University of Hormozgan, Iran
  • Sofia Jazmin Ortiz Soto, Intituto de Ingeniería, UNAM, Mexico
  • David Albano, Sapienza University, Italy
  • Camille Lutet-Toti, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Italy
  • Julien Couturier, CEREGE, France
  • Amad Hassam Abdul Gani, Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo, Mozambique
  • Naima Belhaneche-Bensemra, National Polytechnic School of Algiers, Algeria
  • Ysabel Huaccallo Aguilar, Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
  • Daniela Laura Buruiana, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania
  • Neha Agarwal, Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya, University of Lucknow, India
  • Khaled Masmoudi, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Ogbonna Christian Toochukwu, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Shella Nchia Ndum, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Denisa Gibovic, University of Girona, Spain
  • Maohong Fan, University of Wyoming, USA
  • Ramiro Pillco Zola, Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia
  • Joy Debski, Robert Gordon University, UK
  • Vera Ferreira, University of Algarve, Portugal
  • Youyue Wen, South China Institute of Environmental Science, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China
  • Osman Yusifu Yansaneh, University of Hull, UK
  • Tamaz Patarkalashvili, Technical University of Georgia, Georgia

All of them provided their fruitful contributions in the form of highly informative presentations and made the conference a top notch one. We also express our sincere thanks to all the media partners for the promotion of our event to glory.

With the grand success of Recycling 2022, we are glad to announce our next upcoming conference “6th International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management” which is scheduled to be held on August 21-22, 2023 in Philadelphia, USA.

Bookmark your dates…!!

Hoping to meet you again this coming year in Philadelphia, USA!!!

Past Conference Gallery
