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Infection control and Public awareness for COVID-19

During the last 20 years, enhancing significance has been placed on health communication plans that are collectively designed, executed and assessed. Eventually, various successful strategic health campaigns are developed, particularly within the Human Immunodeficiency Virus acquired immune deficiency syndrome arena. We need to be critically aware of these issues while communicating with patients and their caregivers, select health issues that is appropriate to the client's level of understanding, and provide a scientific approach by utilizing varied mechanisms (e.g., printed material, displays, videos, and discussions) to teach and increase awareness in and stress motivating principles, cultural relevance, and feasibility. As community transmission intensifies within a region, healthcare facilities could consider foregoing contact tracing for exposures in a healthcare setting in favor of universal source control for HCP and screening for fever and symptoms before every shift. For visitors and patients, a cloth face covering could also be appropriate. If a visitor or patient arrives to the healthcare facility without a cloth face covering, a facemask may be used for source control if supplies are available. Cloth face coverings are not considered PPE because their capability to protect healthcare personnel (HCP) is unknown. Facemasks, if available, should be reserved for HCP. Elective procedures should be cancelled and telemedicine should be used when possible with limiting points of entry and screening everyone entering the facility for COVID-19 symptoms. Hand hygiene should be emphasized with barriers to limit contact with patients at triage, limiting the number of staffs providing their care etc.