Keynote Presentation
Time : 10:00 To 10:50

Susan Malkemes

Wilkes University, USA

Title: Adaptive quizzing as an NCLEX preparation strategy.

Group Photo & Refreshments

Time : 10:50 To 11:10


Time : 12:50 To 13:40
Speaker Presentation
Time : 11:10 To 12:00

Susan Deane

The State University of New York, USA

Title: Identifying emerging technologies in nursing education

Time : 12:00 To 12:50

Udo Hennighausen

Private Practice for Ophthalmology, Germany

Title: Visual disabilities in elderly patients: What does the doctor find, but what does the patient really see and perceive? An approach to become familiar with the visual need of elderly patients .

Time : 13:40 To 14:10

Eman Alshawish

An-Najah National University, Israel

Title: Using of cupping therapy among women in reproductive age.

Time : 14:10 To 14:40

Srinivasan Gandhi

Tripurasundari College of Nusing, India

Title: Protective helmet use among two wheeler youth riders in by pass roads of capital cities in India .


Reba McVay

WellStar Atlanta Medical Center, USA

Title: Assimilation of nursing within the service line mode.

Time : 15:10 To 15:40

Pamela Stanley

Holy Names University Oakland, USA

Title: Changing the dichotomy of students being perceived as a burden where they perform their clinicals .

Time : 16:30 To 17:00

Emelia Okyere

SDA Hospital Kwadaso, Ghana

Title: Improvement of maternal health care in Ghana .

Time : 17:30 To 18:00

Mary Afua Ahinba Walker

Shukura Community Hospital, Ghana

Title: Integration of maternal postpartum services in maternal and child health services in West Africa Sub Region (Ivory Coast): An intervention trend analysis..

Time : 18:00 To 18:10

Bualuang Sumdaengrit

Mahidol University, Thailand

Title: Prevalence of menopausal symptoms and selected factors related to menopausal symptoms severity in women after total hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy .

Time : 18:10 To 18:20

Sabina Krupa

University of Rzeszow, Poland

Title: The polish version of Iowa satisfaction with anesthesia scale (ISAS): Psychometric properties measured in the context of cardiac surgery anesthesia in accordance with the ERAS protocol. Randomized pilot study .