Event on: October | 21-22 | 2021
European Conference and Expo on
Nutrition & Food Sciences
Theme : Current Research Findings in Nutrition and Food Sciences

Rome, Italy
Coalesce Research Group is pleased to invite you to the European Conference and Expo on Nutrition and Food Sciences (Euro Nutrition 2021) in Rome, Italy during October 21-22, 2021. This Euro Nutrition 2021 Conference will bring researchers, scientists, experts, and academia from around the world to discuss the theme "Current Research Findings in Nutrition and Food Sciences".
European Conference and Expo on Nutrition and Food Sciences (Euro Nutrition 2021) is a forum for the presentation of cutting edge research topics in the fields of clinical, practical, theoretical and applied Nutrition and Food Sciences. The conference will bring together leading researchers, scientists and physicians from around the world to present their research. Topics of interest for submission are included here (Call for Papers)
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Institute for blood transfusion of Vojvodina
Alexandria University
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